Fish farming is facing an alarming rate of disease and mortality on a global scale.

High rates of disease and death have major implications for the industry.

  • The increasing rate of disease and mortality in fish farming has a significant impact on the growth potential of the industry. Therefore, it is important for fish farmers to implement proactive barrier health control measures to prevent disease outbreaks and promote optimal fish health and welfare, improving the industry's competitiveness, consumer confidence, and growth potential.

  • Reduced profitability is a direct consequence of high costs of labour, feed and fish disease and mortality. This significantly impacts financial performance, making it difficult to maintain operations or invest in future growth opportunities. Sales revenue may not compensate for the increased costs of production in the future.

  • When fish populations become sick or start to die, it can lead to increased production costs. In order to address the issue, additional investments may be required in terms of treatment, medication, or infrastructure. This can result in an overall increase in the cost of production and reduce the profitability of the operation.

  • Disease outbreaks among fish populations can have a significant impact on the consumer's perception of farmed fish products. Reduced consumer confidence in the safety and quality of these products can lead to a decrease in demand, ultimately impacting the growth potential of the industry.

  • Many countries have regulations that set standards for the quality and safety of fish products, and companies that fail to meet these standards may face fines, legal action, or even closure. Additionally, regulators may require companies to implement additional measures to prevent disease outbreaks or improve fish welfare, which can increase costs and reduce profitability

To reverse the unsustainable trend of increasing fish deaths and disease outbreaks, it is crucial to continuously monitor and maintain fish barrier health.

By implementing VERIBARR™ and using it to monitor and maintain the frontline barrier health of the gills, gut, and skin, fish farmers can detect health problems early and implement preventative measures. This can help to reduce the spread of diseases, minimize fish deaths, and improve the profitability and sustainability of the industry

Limited growth potential

The increasing rate of disease and mortality in fish farming has a significant impact on the growth potential of the industry. Therefore, it is important for fish farmers to implement proactive barrier health control measures to prevent disease outbreaks and promote optimal fish health and welfare, improving the industry's competitiveness, consumer confidence, and growth potential.

Reduced profitability

Reduced profitability is a direct consequence of high costs of labour, feed and fish disease and mortality. This significantly impacts financial performance, making it difficult to maintain operations or invest in future growth opportunities. Sales revenue may not compensate for the increased costs of production in the future.

Increased production costs

When fish populations become sick or start to die, it can lead to increased production costs. In order to address the issue, additional investments may be required in terms of treatment, medication, or infrastructure. This can result in an overall increase in the cost of production and reduce the profitability of the operation.

Reduced consumer confidence

Disease outbreaks among fish populations can have a significant impact on the consumer's perception of farmed fish products. Reduced consumer confidence in the safety and quality of these products can lead to a decrease in demand, ultimately impacting the growth potential of the industry.

Regulatory compliance issues

Many countries have regulations that set standards for the quality and safety of fish products, and companies that fail to meet these standards may face fines, legal action, or even closure. Additionally, regulators may require companies to implement additional measures to prevent disease outbreaks or improve fish welfare, which can increase costs and reduce profitability

Animal welfare and health are key to the future of the fish farming industry.

Early detection and warnings of animal health issues are vital to prevent disease outbreaks and reduce fish mortality in aquaculture. VERIBARR™ is a powerful tool that continuously monitors the health of fish's frontline barriers, including the gills, gut, and skin. This can help prevent the spread of diseases, minimizing fish deaths and promote robust and healthy fish stocks. With Veribarr™, fish farmers can take a proactive approach to ensure their stock's well-being and avoid production losses.

Let us help keep your stock robust & healthy.

At QUANTIDOC, we understand the critical importance of healthy and strong frontline barriers for the success and sustainability of any farming operation. With our advanced Veribarr™ solution, we provide early warnings of the frontline barrier status and enable you to take proactive measures to prevent diseases and mortality before they occur.

Don't leave the health and well-being of your fish stock to chance. Partner with QUATIDOC, implement VERIBARR™ and take advantage of our expertise and cutting-edge technology to ensure the long-term success and profitability of your operation.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help keep your stock robust and healthy.

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in QUANTIDOC and VERIBARR™. We're here to answer any questions you may have about our services, provide more information, or schedule a consultation. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us using the contact form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can email us directly or call us.

Dag Nesfossen (CEO)
+47 958 44 252

Thormøhlensgate 53b
5006 Bergen

Strong Barriers = Healthy Fish

“Our mission is to keep our client’s fish robust & healthy